Monday, February 1, 2010

Weigh-In Results

Before I get to the weigh-in, I've got a quick plug to make.  For those of you who didn't read my last post, I'll sum it up briefly.  I'm thinking about jumping into a frozen lake to raise money for the Special Olympics.  It's called the Polar Bear Plunge and it's on March 6th at Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis.  I'm too chicken to decide if I'll do it myself so I want you to vote on it.  You can vote at the top of the side bar to the right of the screen.

Alright, on to the weigh-in. 


As per usual, I was nervous for this weigh-in.  This is the first weigh in where I hadn't gone to the gym every night in a month.  I also started my 8 glasses of water a day challenge today.  I've heard that when you burn fat, you release toxins.  Water flushes those toxins out.  All I know for sure is drinking copious amounts of water is a habit I want to get into.

274.  I'll take it.  I was hoping for another 4 or 5 pound loss, but I don't think that's going to happen until I monitor all of my intake every day.  I'm still getting the hang of using the daily plate.  I think maybe March will be the month for starting that.  

So in all, I lost 2.7 pounds since last week.  I'm definitely headed in the right direction.


  1. 2.7 is a good week. Also - check out how much sodium you are taking in because that will determine if you need to take in more water than that

  2. I say go for the Polar Bear Plunge! They do the same thing here in Alaska. I've never done it before myself, but it's a heck of a lot of fun to watch. People get all dressed up in costumes and have a really good time with it.

    Great loss, keep it up!

  3. don't wait till march to do anything!

    one thing I always do is say I'll start on Monday or start on Feb 1st. Just do start now! I know you have a habit of procrastinating so you might as well just start now huh?


  4. yay! A loss is a win when it comes to weight loss!

  5. way to go on all of this!

    A really great website that you may like to check out- especially when it comes to tracking nutrition (and activity, etc) is called

    Also- if you want to see success stories/get motivated/find health's a really great & pretty inspirational resource

    best wishes!

  6. progress is progress my friend. :)
