Monday, October 11, 2010

Weigh-In Results

It's Monday and I'm exhausted.

I lost a lot of weight last week, so I wasn't expecting a loss.  Still, it's a little disheartening to see a gain. 

I weighed in this week at 243.5.  Yup.  That's a gain of 3.9 pounds.  I'm not happy, but I've still had a two-week loss of 3.1 pounds.  I can live with that.

I'm not totally disheartened, but I'm ready to move forward.  Or downward.  Or some direction that isn't upward in weight. 


  1. That's about the same gain I suffered this weekend as part of my post Canadian Thanksgiving aftermath. I'm sure you'll get it off again in record time.

  2. All I can say is I've never seen anyone lose that much weight without gaining some every couple of weeks. As long as there is a downward TREND, you are in great shape.

  3. Hey. I'm Rachel, new reader. You've gotta let it go and move on. If you dwell on it, you will only hurt yourself in the long-run and maybe in the short run. Stick to your plan and if you gain again, then you know that something needs to change and you will. I know you want to lose 100 pounds in a year and that would be absolutely awesome, but remember. This isn't about a race. This is about making a change and keeping it off. Beating yourself up will not help you with the latter.


  4. Yup...that's what the long view is good for. You're still at a great two-week loss. Keep on keeping on!

  5. Hey Andrew. My name is Shannon and I am also from the great state of Minnesota! Yay! Ha, I am just re-starting my journey and am about a month in. I also have a blog if you want to check it out. I love reading your posts and love meeting fellow Minnesotans! Keep up the good work!

  6. I know it sucks to gain but 243 from 296 is AWESOME!

  7. Love your attitude -

    It's the big picture that counts :)
