Thursday, July 5, 2012

Workout and a Cupcake

I went to the gym today for the first time in about a month.  It felt really good to get moving, although I was huffing and puffing a little bit.  I lifted some weights and was on the treadmill for about half an hour.  All told, I burned about 400 calories.

Our neighbors had us over for their son's first birthday today.  I had a cupcake.  Our neighbors made them skinny (sans egg yolk) but I'm sure it was still in the ballpark of 200-300 calories.  By no means a diet-breaker, but not exactly healthy.  I still managed to successfully stay under my calories today.

Here's the deal: I would much rather not eat a cupcake than spend half an hour on a treadmill.  Yes, every time I eat something sweet my brain's pleasure centers go bonkers.  So much so that once I start eating anything with sugar in it, I have a hard time stopping.  But it's not worth spending that long exercising making up for it.

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