Wednesday, April 28, 2010

World's Lamest Giveaway!

While cleaning out my grandma's house, I obtained something I will never ever use, but it's kind of interesting.  It's a "Talking" Pedometer!  It's made by a company called Totes.  As far as pedometers go, it's pretty cool.  According to the box, it "plays music with a tempo that is in sync with your walking or jogging" as well as "announces the current time" and it looks like you can "choose between 4 different alarm sounds for the clock."  Man, this thing is advanced.  I wonder if astronauts use these.

Look!  It actually says "Talking" Pedometer

A word of caution:  I'm not sure if this thing works.  The battery may be dead or the insulation tape might still be on inside the thing.  If you get this thing (for free), please don't complain that it doesn't work if you can't figure it out.  I'll tinker with it during this week and see if I can get it fixed.

By now you should be asking yourself "Who would want this piece of crap?"  How do I get my hands on this piece of crap awesome "talking" pedometer?"  Well, you can enter a couple different ways. 

1.  Comment on this post.  Tell me why you want this marvel of modern electronics. 
2.  Tell me what you think a "talking" pedometer would actually say.  I'll give you one entry for each comment you leave with a funny thing the pedometer would say.
3.  Link to this post on your blog or facebook or twitter or something like that.  Just leave me a comment with the link so I can add that as an entry.

Each one of these things is worth one entry.  Next Wednesday, I'll assign numerical values to all the entries and use some kind of random number generator to come up with a lucky winner (extra entry to the first person to recommend a random number generator).

So are you cool enough for a "talking" pedometer?  I know you want it!


  1. Since I have a pedometer already, I don't want it, but I think this is hilarious. It's a great idea for a giveaway and I'm sure even if the battery isn't working, whoever gets it can just get a new battery somewhere else :)

  2. I have one too, but you are too funny! I wonder how many of those types of things we would all find if we went through our houses. I know I would have several!

  3. The pedometer that is in my last giveaway was suppose to talk...but it looked a little less high-tech as this one.

  4. my brother was needing one. this would be great for him! ha! Sign me up -- that's why I want it

  5. "Hey - why am I even talking...I'm no where near the ear"

  6. "tapping your foot doesn't count!!"

  7. "You're linked in the right side of my blog.

  8. has a good number generator. But uh, don't enter me in the contest. ;)

  9. A talking pedometer might say, "I detect a pedophile, beware."

  10. Wow random

    It might say "instead of undertaking this pedometer project you should go exercise, count calories, plan meals, or clip the pedometer on and see how much you walk in a day"

  11. an effective pedometer would probley say

    keep walking!!! You shouldn't have eaten that jelly donut.............

  12. I want the pedometer because I'm out of touch with technology. I don't have the internet on my cell. I don't have an ipod. A talking pedometer would make me feel hip. :)

  13. Since the girl who recommended doesn't want an entry, can I also recommend

  14. It would probably say....."It's 5am, get your butt up and let's get going! I need to walk!"

  15. My joke would have made more sense if I'd used a hyphen. Pedo-meter instead of pedometer. Word play.

  16. I wonder if it comes with a snooze button, or if you would have to throw it across the room?

  17. A talking pedometer would (ideally) yell at me for procrastinating in my computer chair before workouts.

  18. I'd love to have the pedometer because to track how many calories I am burning at work, being that I am on my feet walking all day long....8 hours. It's truly hard for me to gauge what I do there, so it'd be a cool way to do that.

  19. I am hoping the pedometer will tell me to 'Walk this way, talk this way... Walk this way... talk this way'

  20. a talking pedometer would aid me in my workouts because A)I have a hard time keeping a good rhythm when running outside, therefore I don't run outside, therefore I don't run.

  21. I also want this talking pedometer because all the salespeople in my office got an iPad but I did not because I am not a salesperson. I bet their ipad's don't have talking pedometer's on them! Showing them my new gadget will surely make them jealous. Maybe they will trade me my talking pedometer for an iPad

  22. Talking pedometer says "gitty up"

  23. I've linked you to my Blog -

  24. Why I actually want this I dunno. I'm weird ok.
