Monday, February 15, 2010

Weigh-In Results

Tonight's the night for weigh in results.  Before we get there, I'd like to remind you to please donate to the Special Olympics on my Polar Bear Plunge page.  For more details see my post on the Polar Bear Plunge.  You don't have to donate a ton of money.  Other than one very generous pledge from one donor, the pledges have only been $5, which is great.  Please give what you can.  A very special thanks to Scott and Kris Ainsworth.  Your generosity is inspiring and I'm extremely grateful.

Well, we'd better get on with the show.


I'm getting sick of using this graphic.  Anyone want to create a better scale with a question mark on it for me?

If you recall, the loss of my grandmother prevented me from weighing in last week.  It also kept me from exercising and eating well for almost a week.  I'm not big into making excuses; they don't help me achieve my goals.  With those things in mind, here are my weigh-in results:

Okay.  277.9.  That's a two-week gain of 3.9 pounds.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little disappointed, but I was expecting a gain.  I'll take it (for now).  I'm determined to turn the scale back around next week.  For the record, this is what happens when I have an excuse not to monitor what I put in my body even for a short period of time.  No wonder I gained 70 pounds in college. 

One more thing.  I've been looking for a new cardio activity.  I think I'll try this:

Tom Hanks eat your heart out.  I wonder if Claire will let me buy a giant piano and put it in the living room.  By the way, who claps along with the music in the middle of Tocatta and Fugue?  Ugh, I hate it when people do that.

Here's to losing the weight I gained since my last weigh-in.  With or without playing Bach with my feet.


  1. we knew there would be weeks like this..right? I'm glad you're not getting yourself down over it!

    Tomorrow is another day to try harder and succeed a little more then yesterday, if not fully. :)

  2. "A molehill is sometimes a molehill...don't make it into a mountain". I read that in someone else's blog today and then read your blog so I'd thought I'd pass that along to you. I'm a 100+ pound weight loss as well. WE CAN DO THIS!

  3. You'll get back on track, and I'll be right there with ya. Kick ass!

  4. I just found your blog. I KNOW you can do this... and I will keep coming back to give you advice and encouragement. I am just the average person who has lost some weight... and I have learned a couple of tricks... and hey, maybe I will learn some from you too.

  5. GOod luck getting back on track...I need it too I had a horrible week diet/exercise wise!

  6. Hey Man. Stay with it. Its hard when you fall off track, but be determined to not let this beat you.

  7. people who clap along with music are the most irritating people in the world. Bach is not meant to be clapped along with.

  8. keep pushing on! That 3 lb gain isn't anything to stress about. You'll get it.

    Also - Come check out my Giveaway...I'll hit my 100 mile marker tonight and wanted to do something special for the 100 miles I've done this year.
