Saturday, May 1, 2010

A May Push

Sometimes I wonder about things.  I wonder if I wonder if I'll manage to meet this ambitious goal I've set for myself.  100 pounds in a year doesn't give me much of a margin of error.  I've got to be really on top of things for the next 7 months in order to meet my goal.

I also wonder if I'll ever be as cool as this picture:

How could I even hold a candle to Captain Kirk sitting on a crazy sports car?  I don't even know if I should try.

But I digress.  For the last few months I've been wanting another month like January.  I lost nearly 20 pounds that month.  I was unstoppable.  So what did I do in January that I haven't done since?  I exercised every day for three weeks straight.

I know what I need to do to make May the new January.  I'm going to get my slightly-less-fat-than-it-used-to-be ass to the gym every day for three weeks again.  It doesn't have to be the gym.  The weather's nice here now.  I can go out for a run or bike ride or something.  I'm just going to be exercising every day starting today.

I know it would be a big loss, but I'd really like to see 249 by June 1st.  This isn't an official goal I'm setting for myself seeing as I'd have to lose over 3 pounds per week to make it happen.  But I'm going to try.

Now I need to figure out how to be as cool as Captain Kirk.


  1. How can I help??? I'm free next weekend! Wanna go for a run with me??? Or come to my friends bootcamp on Saturday morning? I know it's early and in shakopee,, but i promise you'll learn something and you'll enjoy it!!!

    Let me know!! I want to help...and Im Curious to hear how your weight lifting and measurements are coming...maybe your seeing inches lost but no weight lost because of muscle displacement????

    Btw-I'm writing this from an iPad. It's awesome and super fast! :D

  2. if only all of us could be as cool as captain kirk sitting on that car.

  3. Hi Andrew - I have recenty started following your blog - I too am trying to shed 100 pounds this year. You've already lost 32 pounds - that's awesome. You're 1/3 of the way there!

  4. No way any of us can be as cool as that matter how high we set our goals. Making a mini-goal is a good idea. Stay focused on what is right in front of you rather than whats 7 months away.

  5. Its so wrong of me to admit, but I slightly have the hots for Captain Kirk. I mean lets face it, no man can pull off that outfit but him ;)

    I too love mini goals... sometimes the bigger picture can be overwhelming. You can do it, and being able to be outside is such a huge bonus also :)

  6. I know at Easter you mentioned that you might start biking or walking to work every day. Have you started doing that now that the weather is nice?


  7. Go for it! Exercise every day!

    Great idea with short-term goals. More frequent accountability will get you to your long-term goal. Maybe have a weight goal for each month?

  8. Exercise is great and all, but the diet is where it's at. Nice blog btw. Gotta represent us Minnesotans :).

  9. Did you ever try my weight lifting plan?

  10. You can do it! I'm working on a similar goal! I'm just about to start my own blog...we can motivate each other - I'm on week 6 and I'm already 30.4 pounds down...AND I'm doing the C25K program! sounds like you're doing pretty good Andrew!

  11. My experience has been that setting smaller goals and achieving them is much more sustainable than trying to blast at the big goal.

    Do it 5 pounds at a time.

  12. I'm new to your blog too, as I found it through Anyway, I"m trying to do the same thing too...lose 100 lbs in a year. I started 12 weeks ago, and I've lost 22 lbs. Not too shabby, but not great either. You've inspired me to try the working out for 3 wks thing. I'd really like to see a loss of 12 lbs this month. I'm needing a re-focus, and I think this is just the thing. Best of luck on your goals.

  13. I still can't believe that you were highlighted on That's so great! ell me: was Captian Kirk ever mentioned on Tyler's blog? I think not! Ha!

    I'll be praying for your continued progress, Andrew. Slow and steady is what I envision for you...sorry man, but I think that's best!
