Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Late Night

Last night, my wife, Claire, and I got rush tickets to see Billy Elliot.  First of all, if you haven't seen this show, it's a must.  The acting, dancing, music, and tech are all phenomenal.  The story is at the same time light-hearted and emotionally engaging. 

We got home from the play at 11:45 and hadn't had a chance to exercise yet.  Temptation was high to skip, but we stayed strong and went to the gym at midnight. 

It's times like these that really build a habit.  I wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed after an amazing night out, but I didn't give myself the option.  The only thing I regret about going, was how late we got to bed (2:30).  We were so jazzed from the play and then we got our blood pumping at the gym.  It definitely made it much easier to get off the couch and to the gym tonight.


  1. But if you went to the gym at midnight, technically it was already the next day.

  2. That's not pedantic, I'm just concerned with accountability.
